Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today, Swan decided to sell the 60 inch TV and we went out and bought a new 42 inch. I like it. Its not so overwhelming.

Last night was interesting. Again. I stayed up until about 3 AM. Couldn't sleep. I hate it when there's no one awake to suffer with me :)

I talked to Snowflake quite a bit yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday. I think I'm losing it. All these days are blending into one, long, never ending day. So are my thoughts. They are all sort of melting into one general, mushy thought.

I just counted all the bug bites I have on my legs. Grand total of... drumroll please.... 64!!!
Swan didn't really believe me at first so I made her look at my left leg especially. Then she believed me. I don't lie. When will people understand this? Ok, fine, I lie sometimes, but I always admit to my lie quickly. I don't want to be lied to, so I don't lie.

I can't touch my legs because I put a bunch of anti-itch cream on them...and its annoying because my legs are still soft from when I shaved them.

Happy music, come on. Happy music. Thank you.

I am so sore from that Wii game. Wii Fitness with the balance board or whatever. Damn, you don't do much, but it really makes a difference. It keeps lying to me, saying I lost 8 pounds in the past three days. I haven't. I don't think I can lose any more weight. I'm in great shape. :) Ran a mile the other day, no problem.

There was a man in the store today at a sampling table. His voice was so deep and his laughter was bright and yellow. It was really cool. He was a happy guy. You could just FEEL the happy energy radiating from him. He was pretty happy with his job, apparently.

Sometimes, I have these incredibly uncomfortable headaches. Like my head is going to explode from the inside. Have I already mentioned this? It happened once in the car and it was really embarrassing. It was like I couldn't control my emotions, or my actions. I just went mad. Pigeon and I again were the only two kids in the car. Parakeet was at a friends and so was Crane. It was so embarrassing. That was about two weeks ago. I've had five or six similar experiences since then. I haven't had one though, since two days ago.

Oh did I mention I start Driving School in three days? I think...

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