Sunday, July 18, 2010


Secrets, secrets are no fun unless I post them all on my blog!!!
I'm so glad no one reads this... I think.

I'm dating Protector again. I'm not sure whether to be like this, ^_^ or like this x_x. I guess I am kinda a mixture of both. He promised this was the last time forever and ever. He'll make it worth my time.
It still worries me about him getting into said trouble. And him not really getting out of said trouble... or even having a strong will to get out of said trouble.
I'm scared that a lot of people won't agree to our relationship. Despite how bad everyone thinks he is, he makes me happy. And I make him happy. I make him start to forget about what happened to start all of this decline to nothingness. Kenai will definitely be angry. So will Finn. And definitely Turtle. Probably California. I'm basically in for a whole heap of shit.

I went to church today. My family goes to a kind of science of mind church. Its more realistic than those other Christian churches. God is not some big man in the sky. I learned today about the path of life. I learned how your path sometimes is easy and flat. But sometimes the path goes up a hill or hits a few rough spots. We cannot deny these certain dark times are going to happen. We can only accept them, build from them, learn from them. We don't have to go into Death Valley and build a condo there. Just keep going. Sometimes we don't know what our purpose in life is, so the best thing to do is to keep on going.
I also learned that I shouldn't feel sorry for someone, I should bring my light to them and lift them up. Help them find themselves. Haha I feel like I am preaching. That's odd, because I don't like organized religion at all. I think its just a way of life instead of an order or a command. I think that's an easy way to live.

I found a toad last night. I was walking to get the mail with the dog and Pigeon at about 9pm. There was supposed to be a movie in the mailbox. We didn't exactly make it even four houses down before a cricket jumped on my bare feet, scaring me, and the dog started chasing after something in the street. When I found what it was, I was shocked to see a toad bigger than my entire hand. I caught it. It peed everywhere and I'm glad it didn't pee on me, because dad said that I'd get a wart. I think he was just kidding. After my family was done marveling at it and taking pictures, I put it back where I found it. He was cute. :)

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