Friday, July 16, 2010


So I had this dream last night. I feel like it's a dream worth mentioning.

I was a shape-shifter. And I was apparently going to be the queen of the world's wilderness. So I had to get to know the animals and the other shape-shifters of the world. So I started my journey in somewhere cold. I was a wolf. I wasn't headed anywhere particular, just following a trail.
I ran into two other female wolves. They were sisters and one was older than the other. These two wolves were shape-shifters too. I explained to them that I was to be queen, and I asked if I could tag along with them until they reached their destination. They agreed and we walked on a trial. I believe we were going to a town named Leaf Falls. This town was a safe haven for all kinds of creatures and it was a valued city in my dream.
We all shape shifted to our "human" form. But we had huge eagle wings to fly.
We flew for a while above the trial that lead to Leaf Falls. Then we saw a huge green military helicopter fly over us. We noticed that below us, on the right of the trail was a small military station with women soldiers standing on green military posts with guns.
Leaf Falls was in sight and the green helicopter flew over it and we all saw it drop something.
It was a bomb. All three of us flew really close to the ground, we could see the aftershock coming towards us, children and mother creatures running away as fast as they could from it.
The aftershock hit us and we all fell to the ground, rolling down a hill into the military base.
The little girl tried to fly over the fence and then the women soldiers ordered us to stay, they needed to ask us some questions.
I told them I was going to be the queen and what they did to Leaf Falls was illegal and wrong. They didn't listen. The two girls began to fly towards the women soldiers on their posts and tried to take them down. There were gunshots and fire. I didn't understand.
I still don't understand.

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